
Sation Limited V Candylandia Swatches and Review

Candyland is one of the all time classic board games. I don't know anyone who hasn't at least heard of it. It's simple, but kids love it because a) it's based on candy, b) it's bright, and c) it's easy.

It's not all rainbows, ponies and gumdrops in the game. There are characters that don't quite represent the yummy flavors most associate with candy, like Lord Licorice and Gloppy the Molasses Monster. (Molasses might as well be French to most kids, so he was changed to the chocolate monster instead in 2010.)

Sation's Candylandia collection epitomizes everything about the game. The joyful colors, the characters' names, and the locations on the board. I'm blown away by this collection. It's one of the bigger collections Sation has released since rebranding, and the colors are all very different from one another, and literally make up a rainbow of beautiful bottles.

I love this collection dearly (with a few complaints about formulas of some) and I'm beyond excited to be bringing you some of the first swatches.

So let's go down the rainbow, starting with one of the more murky colors.

I'm So Ogre It (4 coats) - I'd describe this best as putty, but something tells me it's associated with a Candy Land location, Molasses Swamp. It might also be those shape-able erasers you use when you're working with charcoal or pencil.  This was one of the thinner polishes in the collection, but as you can see, it builds nicely to create a creamy look, no problem.

Lollipop! Goes the Princess (2-3 coats) - Another good name for this outside of the Candylandia collection would be "Pinch Me Pastel", but the homage paid to Princess Lolly's iconic hair is spot on too. This is now one of my all time favorite colors, just in time for spring pastel season. Sort of lilac, sort of blue, it's almost a pastel periwinkle. I can't stand how gorgeous this is!

Super Nail-tural Powers (2 coats) - Sation's got some of the finest purples in the nation. I really do think that Super Nail-tural Powers does have some kind of magic behind it. The swatch you're seeing is slightly more indigo than it is in real life. The magic placed a spell on my camera. Is there a term for a dark neon? If there is, I'd say this is it. It's bright in its undertones, but not in its final result, which is why you're seeing what you're seeing on camera. Spell-binding indeed.

Paint Some Sugar on Me (3 coats) - Holy s@#! sparkles! Midnight blue jelly with awesome coverage and subtle sparkle. Could you ask for more? I suppose if it actually tasted like sugar, you'd love it even more, but other than that, Miss pretty much nailed it here. Note: I tasted my finger...it does not taste like sugar.

Cast a Spill On You (2 coats) - A blue of my dreams, with shimmer and an unreal formula to match. Seriously, this could be a 1-coater easily, and I'm curious to see if it's a good stamp polish for that reason. OMG that shimmer...and I don't usually like shimmer! I'm definitely entranced in this polish's spell!

Unicorns Are Teal (4 coats) - If the name of this polish is indicative of its formula, then it turns out unicorns are also very thin. Even after four coats, you can see my nail line, which sucks. No one likes to see lines underneath their outerwear. I should've worn my nail thong for this polish. It is a gorgeous teal though, so patience will reward you with a creamy teal, leaning more towards blue.

Plenty of Frogs (3 coats) - Surprise shimmer in an easter-grass green polish. If I had to pick any color out of an infinite crayon box to color my coloring book picture of a frog, it would be this. To make it a wet frog, I would add the shimmer, but I don't think there's a shimmer crayon currently available. (The color is more rich in life, and pops more against your skin color than it is in the image. What can I say, I haven't mastered the photography aspect yet.)

Abbacadazzle (4 coats) - Ok, so another thin polish desperately in need of a pair underneath. I stopped at four coats because I feel like beyond that, people just won't bother. Though the color of the yellow is wonderful, it's just too thin to be useful for much. Maybe a jelly sandwich? Or would it be a marmalade sandwich? Bummer too because I love yellows!

Peppermint Red (3 coats) - Valentine's Day is strewn with red. Red shelves in stores, red ink on love notes, red lipstick, red nail polish. This is the ultimate red to wear for Valentine's Day, being both rich and soft. The application was easy and soft, but the color itself is very rich. When I say it's soft, I mean the edges aren't chalky like some opaque polishes can be, so this blends effortlessly onto your nail, with the cadence of a beating heart. (Also...not peppermint flavored. Need to stop tasting my fingers.)

Queenie in a Bottle (3 coats) - Queenie's a beautiful magenta creme (as most of the polishes in the collection are). Jewels and velvet would be best compared to this color. It's also a beautiful pedicure color that would look great in a peep toe shoe! Queenie actually dries matte due to its bright neon pigments, but I've added a top coat (as I did with all these swatches) to make it glossy.

You're My Lacquer Charm (3 coats) - *cue music: Barbie Girl* I like warm hot pinks much better than cool hot pinks, and this warm hot pink is on fire! More hidden shimmer you can't see in the bottle at first glance, which strikes the surface of the nail in any light. Such a sweet color, in both senses of the word!

Chocolate Chip Resistant (3 coats) - Eating a tube of premade sugar cookie dough is terrible for your health, but it is one of the most indulgent things you can do for your heart. The texture of the uncooked dough and the tiny, glistening sugar crystals within are too delicious to resist. This color's akin to that feeling. It's lovely against my skin tone, and there are hints of shimmer in it, separating it from your typical nude.

In an attempt to not overload your sweet tooth, causing you unwanted visits to the dentist, I'm leaving you without nail art...for now. Obviously this collection begs to have nail art done with each and every color though, so fear not! We'll head down that delicious road soon enough!

For now, you'll have to curb your appetite though, or just satiate your hunger for these tasty treat by heading over to the Miss Professional Nail store, and picking up the collection yourself! Each bottle's only $5, and I definitely recommend picking them all up!

These products were sent to me by Miss Professional Nail. The reviews are based entirely on my experience with the products and were in no way influenced by anyone.


  1. Okay, if a polish makes you want to taste it, it must mean it is sensational, right? I love these!

  2. they all look super juicy and glossy, but my favorite is unicorns are teal. so pretty!

  3. I need to find this collection and buy them all!! SO gorgeous!!

  4. These are really beautiful!! I love the blues especially. And only $5?? That's a great deal.

  5. Gorgeous! Plenty of Frogs takes my fancy :)

  6. A beautiful collection. Really great swatches :) xx

  7. Beautiful swatches! :-) My favourite is I'm So Ogre It :-)

  8. Some of these look really nice, if I ever come across Sation in my area I'll be very tempted indeed...

    (Also, I think I do remember shimmery crayons.)

  9. I'm not a nude polish fan, but I gotta tell you, I'm loving Chocolate Chip Resistant. Plenty of Frogs and Paint Some Sugar on Me are coming up as close seconds.
    Thanks for the review!


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